Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Zero Dark Thirty

As one of my favorite Beastie Boys songs goes; "It Takes Time to Build." That is how I felt about Zero Dark Thirty. The movie itself is solid but it takes time to get there. Jessica Chastain plays Maya, a CIA operative who is on the hunt for Osama Bin Laden. She is a resilient as hell and considering it's a true story, I am thankful we have someone like her in real life who got this done. I doubt the real "Maya" is this hot though. That Jessica Chastain..what a beauty.

Spoiler alert: Team 6 gets him!

1-10: 7



Yep - Definitely a good one.
Kudos to Affleck for the way he crafted this film.
Argo and The Town, both Affleck directed films are completely different in theme but draw similarities.
He does a great job of building the tension. Are they going to get away? You will have to see

Side note: My one follower Katie (thank you) also pointed out that Affleck uses different color in the movie to identify different locations. Examples a brighter tone in the states to a more washed out look in Iran. Very observant.

1-10: solid 8


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Wreck-It Ralph

I enjoy animation movies. They very rarely disappoint and I like the idea games and toys able to take on a life of their own "after hours" when the grown ups go to bed. So when I saw Wreck-It Ralph as the movie on plane home from Dallas I was pumped.

Wreck-it Ralph (John C. Reilly) is the bad guy from "Fix it Felix Jr", a thirty-year-old arcade game similar to the old Donkey Kong and Mario arcade game. Ralph is sick of being a villain and enters the game "Hero's Duty" in an attempt to win a medal and gain some respect. An encounter with Vanellope (Sarah Silverman) from kid-friendly cart game "Sugar Rush" (Kind of like Mario Kart) helps him find respect and redemption.

I was a total Ninteno/Saga geek growing up. I got a chuckle at the cameos by some characters of the past including Sonic and Dr. Robotnik, Ken, Ryu, Bison, Zangrief and Bowser. They were intertwined into the script perfectly. Small things like un locking the vault "memory" safe using the code up,up,down,down,left,right, left right from the old Contra game had me grinning in my middle seat on the airplane. 

It's really a well done movie and I was actually really impressed with Sarah Silvermans voice. I had to look up who played the voice of the 8 year old girl in the film. Low and was her. 

If you liked Toy Story and played any video games circa 1990 you will love Wreck-It Ralph.

Oh Yea and Jane Lynch plays Sergeant Calhoun in the film..kinda hot in a animated sort of way.

1-10: 8