Saturday, February 9, 2013

End of Watch

End of Watch, starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena, follows the lives of two south Los Angeles polices offices. After making some routine arrests that seem to be tied to the Mexican cartel, they become targets of an assignation by the cartel.

The movie was written and directed by David Ayer the writer of Training Day. The script is well written; Ayer takes you into the life of these offices and the community they patrol with such realism you can feel emotion of every scene. There is not a particular plot for this movie, Ayers is just showing you the daily lives of a Los Angeles police. Ayer chooses to shoot the film in that hand held , shaky  amateur style you see in movies like Clover Field (I have no idea how that popped into my head). I am not a big fan of that style though. Although it can be effective, sometimes it makes me sick.

After I finished watching the movie, I wasn't THAT impressed by it. Then I spoke to my brother Ryan who loved it. After discussing it for awhile with him, my opion has swayed a bit. That is why I can't wait a week to write thiese reviews!

If you liked Training day or S.W.A.T, you will like this.

1-10: 6


1 comment:

  1. Good review Shane. It’s not the most original piece of work out there, but the chemistry and characterization between these two is what really kept it fresh and exciting and had us invested in what happened to these guys.
