Sunday, December 2, 2012


Lawless became available on DVD this week directed by Jill Hillcoat (The Road) and staring Shia Labeouf. The movie is about three brothers that live in the sticks of Virginia during the Prohibition era. They sell Moonshine into the city to make ends meet. When a corrupt deputy (Guy Pearce) realizes the boys can't be brought, trouble begins. 

The best performance in my opinion was Tom Hardy ( Bane from Batman) who plays the oldest brother and clearly a tough dude. Shia Labeouf is the wuss youngest brother and plays the part well. Tom Hardy's love interest in the film, Jessica Chastain, moseys into town to lighten up the screen amongst a mostly male dominated cast and delivers a solid performance as well. 

All in all, it's a good film and I recommend it. Put the kids to bed for this one though as it is quite violent.

Improvements: A bit of a climatic let down. Could have ended it much better. 

1-10 Score: 7


1 comment:

  1. Nice Shane, wouldn't have known about this one. Sounds good. I'll have to check it out.
